
The Tools area of SEOZoom is your toolbox, where you can find what you need to optimize websites and strategies.

Available in the side menu, the section consists of as many as eight different tools – Analyze Domains List, Analyze Keywords List, Analyze URLs List, Analyze Ranking, Keyword grouper, Analyze Mixed Content, Link Monitor, and SERP Comparator – which we will now go into individually.

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Analyze Domain List

As you can easily guess from the name, in the Analyze Domain List section you can enter a list of distinct domains in the box and get analytical data on performance trends, monthly traffic values and keywords placed.

Always remember to enter domains with or without www, depending on how they are actually indexed.

For each domain entered, the table shows a range of key information, specifically Zoom Authority, Trust, Stability and Opportunity, trend (a straight line that gives a visual indication of the site’s performance, i.e., whether it is up, down, or stable), ZA History (a graph showing changes in Zoom Authority over the past 12 months), and then estimated monthly traffic, total number of keywords ranked, and domain IP. As in the other sections of SEOZoom, then, from here you can deepen your site analysis with the Domain Actions in the hamburger menu.

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Analyze Keyword List

Analyze Keyword List is a tool that allows you to get analytical data from an aggregated and possibly jumbled list of distinct keywords, with insights into the competitors that are better positioned in SERP for these queries, as well.

To start the function you just have to enter all the keywords you want to analyze inside the box, respecting the limit of 1000 terms per analysis.

At the end of the scan, a table appears showing the main information about each individual keywords, and in particular their average monthly search volume, type of intent identified, presence of SERP features, Keyword Difficulty and Keyword Opportunity level, the average CPC, index of competition level, total number of results indexed for that keyword, and seasonality graph. You can take a further look at individual keys from the hamburger menu at the end of the row.

The other tab “Competitor Info” lists the main competitors identified for the keywords entered, so that it offers important support for more complete data to be used during the keyword research phase.

The data in the table are Volume in Competition (the sum of the volumes of the keywords analyzed for which the competitor is ranked), estimated global traffic, the number of keywords analyzed for which the site is ranked, and the Zoom Authority of the domain. From here you can also directly add the individual site as a Competitor to a project you have already created.

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Analyze URL List

The Analyze URL List tool allows you to analyze a list of distinct pages, as the name suggests, and you have three different input methods available (always with a maximum limit of 1000 URLs per analysis):

  • Paste a ready-made list.
  • Ask SEOZoom to automatically derive the latest ranked URLs for a specific domain.
  • Ask SEOZoom to automatically extrapolate a list of URLs positioned for a specific keyword, from among those in the top 5 pages on Google.

SEOZoom immediately provides you with an analysis on the list, identifying: Page Zoom Authority, number of keywords placed, estimated traffic of the URL, potential traffic of the URL. The hamburger menu then takes you to URL Actions and Domain Actions, with which you can further refine its competitor study.

Then, by clicking on the individual URL in the table on the left, you activate the complete, real-time SEO analysis on page performance: as in the other sections of SEOZoom, in this focus you can find all the useful data for the competitor study, with insights on current and potential traffic, indications on the key positioned (All, TOP10, Potential and Distant), but also on the level of optimization and areas where improvements can be made.

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Analyze Ranking

The Analyze Ranking tool is very useful to check, quickly, the rankings of certain keywords for one or more domains. You can use it, for example, to quickly find out which page on your site ranks better for a set of keywords, or to do a simultaneous comparison between competitors, starting with a set of specific keywords.

To launch the scan you just have to follow the on-page instructions, and then enter on the left the domains you want to check and on the right the keywords: after a few seconds SEOZoom shows you all the information to find out where that domain ranks for that specified keyword, with an indication of the referring page.

Specifically, for each keyword occurrence the table provides data on the volume of the keyword, position on Google (with indication of the change from the previous SERP scan) and full URL positioned, repeating the same information for the other domains entered. At the end of the row you find the hamburger menu that leads you to the Keyword Actions with which to refine the analysis of the relevant keyword.

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Keyword Grouper

Keyword Grouper is a tool that comes to the rescue when you have a somewhat cluttered set of keywords and want to refine your research by grouping keywords based on semantic relevance.

Basically, the tool automatically organizes the keywords you entered by dividing them into groups of related words so to make your work easier when creating content or organizing the structure of your website.

The tool analyzes the keywords entered in the list and provides in the left table the list of identified groupings, with the possibility of viewing the detail of the keywords in the group and an initial indication of the search volume.

The tab on the right allows you to delve deeper into the study of the keywords in the group, of which it individually reports useful data for the analysis, such as average monthly search volume, Keyword Difficulty and Keyword Opportunity, average CPC and graphs on seasonality, with the hamburger menu that, as usual, leads you to Keyword Actions for even more targeted checks.

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Analyze Mixed Content

A mixed content happens when a combination of URLs of a site are being simultaneously served over both HTTP and HTTPS, due to a migration process not being perfectly executed or completed.

Analyze Mixed Content is therefore a good ally if you are currently updating the protocol of your sites or if you want to check if the process was done correctly in the past.

Its use is very simple, since you just have to enter a URL address (including the protocol https://) in the search bar and wait for SEOZoom to scan the resources to check if they are, indeed, in HTTPS.

For example, if you enter the entire domain into the analysis.

the tool will inform you that there is no mixed content, responding with the words “Safe to go”.

On the other hand, if the site does not have pages with the HTTPS protocol and is still using the old HTTP protocol, the tool will give you the error “The site is not responding in https”.

The most interesting case is that of true mixed content: if the analysis shows the presence of content served precisely on both HTTP and HTTPS, here you will find a list of resources still in HTTP, which can be useful for you to correct the URLs and increase the security level of the dialogue between your and users.

In fact, the HTTPS protocol is a more secure system of communication between site and user, thanks to the use of the SSL certificate, which encrypts data transmitted in and out, reducing the possibility that user information can be viewed or manipulated by malicious third-parties.

As you can easily verify, then, if you browse a page in HTTP the browser reports an alert, displaying the words “Not secure” next to the URL of the site – while if you browse an HTTPS page you display the closed padlock icon.

In addition, since 2014 HTTPS has been an official ranking factor (albeit a very light one) for Google, and since 2020 the presence of an active HTTPS protocol has become part of the Page Experience factors, so taking care of this aspect can also be relevant for SEO.

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SERP Comparator

The last tool in this section is called the SERP Comparator and it helps you identify the underlying affinity level of the keywords and search intent being referenced.

The tool allows you to quickly compare a list of up to 100 keywords: SEOZoom analyzes all the keywords and compares them one by one, indicating in the table on the right the level of affinity between the generated SERPs and thus simplifying your subsequent work of content production, also thanks to the possibility of refining the study of the proposed data thanks to the appropriate filters.

For each individual keyword analyzed, in fact, you can quickly read the average monthly search volume and, in the list below, the SERP Affinity value compared to each of the other keywords you have entered, of which you can also discover the Keyword Difficulty and Keyword Opportunity metrics (as well as perform Keyword Actions for more precise analysis). By clicking on the blue SA button, moreover, you can directly check the Google’s SERP for that keyword and thus find out which results actually appear on both pages and which, on the other hand, appear only in one circumstance.

For each cluster, then, you can also find out what the main keyword is, i.e., the main keyword that Google has identified as most relevant to the search intent of the query, which is flagged with a star.

The comparison is done on the basis of the SERP Affinity metric: in fact, SEOZoom does not show you keywords with SA values equal to 0, and therefore only compares keywords that generate SERPs in which there is at least one similar result.

Unlike the other tools in the suite, moreover, in this section the comparison is between all the keywords you have available, not just with the Main Keyword, and this can help you to set up another approach to keyword research.

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Rank Simulator

Rank Simulator is a tool that precisely simulates and anticipates the impact of SEO optimization interventions on keywords and pages, useful to support with predictive data a quote to present to clients, direct the work of consulting and site optimization towards more profitable pages and keywords or, simply, identify at a glance a cluster of keywords on which to act as a priority for your project.

This intuitive and easy-to-use feature allows you to simulate the impact of optimization work on a keyword set, specifically estimating the growth effect on the site that an improvement in current ranking might have.

It all starts with entering the domain on which you want to run the simulation and selecting the keywords to analyze. You can choose the keywords manually, typing them into the search bar and then adding them by clicking on the plus button, or – more quickly and efficiently – import an already reasoned list of keywords saved earlier with the “Your Keyword Research” tool. In addition, you can also save the list you created in Rank Simulator, which will always be exported among your keyword research.

Now the simulation work begins: the tool allows you, in fact, to know the current ranking and organic traffic data of each keyword and to estimate the levels that can be reached through improved ranking. In simpler terms, for each keyword you can know the estimated volume and change in quantitative terms reaching the position in SERPs that you want or think is realistic (by default, the tool “pushes” you towards the first position, but you can also set the simulation to a position more concretely attainable by the site you are examining), and thus discover the actual and overall value of a strategic optimization work on the set of keywords under analysis.

But this tool also offers another added value: by clicking on “Show work plan,” in fact, you get a kind of summary document that indicates the steps to achieve the estimated goals, with the possibility of direct access to the planning of the necessary content.

First of all, in the screenshot you can read the quantification of the impact of the optimization work, showing the estimated values of traffic and visits, also in percentage terms.

And then, to facilitate the strategy, here comes the highlight of Rank Simulator: the identification of URLs to improve or new content needed to intercept the keywords analyzed and achieve the expected results.

Basically, the tool creates a document (downloadable in .doc format) that describes precisely the Work Plan that can lead you to the simulated traffic improvement, dividing the interventions between ” Pages to improve” and “New pages to create.” As mentioned, the former are those that already have keywords ranked on Google but in positions of lower visibility than the simulation, and therefore require content improvement and SEO revision (perhaps even through link building actions). When the tool does not find referring pages for the keywords being analyzed (i.e., if the URLs are in positions above 50th or if there is no content that intercepts them), it advises you to create new pages and then make content that is optimized according to SEO copywriting best practices.

In both cases, the tool gives you immediate possibilities for action, because it leads you directly to editing or creating content through the Schedule Article (which directs you to the Editorial Plan for Editors, with the possibility of assigning the article to the copywriters involved in the project) or Assistant (which takes you to SEOZoom’s Editorial Assistant) buttons.

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Website Rankings

The Websites Rankings tool allows you to know immediately the most popular and best websites in the UK (and the other countries available, depending on the set database) according to Google, presenting a ranking of the top 100 domains in each sector, sorted according to the trust showed by the search engine.

In addition to checking the overall ranking of the best British websites, in fact, you can discover the ranking by filtering the results according to the specific sector or niche you are interested in; again, you can also launch a search by manually entering the address of a site in the search bar, getting in response the total list of the sectors in which it competes and is ranked.

For each domain, SEOZoom shows you the ranking values (which is precisely its place in the rankings for the specific category or sector), the total traffic, the number of keywords relevant to the sector placed on Google, the level of Topical Zoom Authority, while the last button “Sectors” allows you to delve into the site’s performance in the rankings of each sector in which it competes.

The Rankings are a useful feature for understanding how Google sees your site, for instance, and whether it can best categorize the content you propose, but also for studying a competitor, to see in which areas/topics they are boosting their activity, or to find potential partner sites on related topics with which to collaborate for link earning.

However, there are some aspects to consider in order to best understand how the tool works:

  • Sectors are categorized according to Google’s own rules and criteria – and therefore SEOZoom does not decide that a site belongs to a sector or that a keyword belongs to a subcategory, since the categorization of the data totally depends on the search engine’s scans and sorting.
  • A keyword can also be present in multiple sectors, and association is not always “obvious”, especially for websites that tend to have keywords that fall into different sectors.
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