
The Pages section allows you to analyze, monitor, and optimize the performance of the web pages of the project site through many useful sections: let’s take a look at them together!

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Pages Performance

The first section gives you an overview of both the Performance and Crawl Budget usage, based on a set of predetermined traffic ranges. The Crawl Budget value represents an estimate made by SEOZoom of the resources Google has to devote in order to crawl these pages: the figure can help you quickly figure out which sections of the website are taking up the most resources and which are bringing in a higher estimated volume of traffic.

The following values are highlighted in the top three boxes:

  • Wasted crawl budget: how many and what percentage of the total are very low performing pages, which are therefore wasting the site’s crawl budget
  • Improve Your Pages: a preview of how much content is “easy to optimize” according to SEOZoom, namely those resources that already have a good potential of keywords positioned on the second and third Google page, and the percentage of traffic increase that the actual improvements could bring (-> by clicking on Improve Your Pages you can directly access the dedicated view).
  • Attainable Goal: A summary of the results you can achieve by optimizing your content, and in particular the volume of potential visits you could get by working on identified pages and keywords.

In the site’s Pages Performance section, which updates weekly, you can access the dedicated analysis. The table shows, in each row:

  • the estimated monthly traffic range.
  • The number of pages that achieve the estimated monthly traffic in the selected range.
  • the contribution of those pages, i.e., the total estimated traffic volume aggregated for the pages in the selected range.
  • the number of total placed keywords that are present in the pages of the selected range.
  • the performance, which expresses as a percentage what is the volume of traffic derived from each of these groups of web pages compared to the total traffic volume of the site.
  • the crawl budget, a bar that reports the percentage of crawl budget committed by the selected range.

Clicking on the blue arrow at the end of a traffic range opens a tabular view of the Pages in the group, which lists precisely all the pages on the site that have an estimated traffic volume that falls within the selected range.

For each Web page there is information such as the URL, estimated monthly traffic, total number of keywords placed, and a final column with the hamburger menu with URL Actions for more targeted examinations.

In each Group you can use the Advanced Filter, search directly for a URL, and export the section data.

By clicking on a single URL from the list, you get a dedicated analysis full of useful information.

The first box informs you about the PZA, i.e., the Page’s authority metric; this is followed by the estimated traffic box, with an indication of potential (related to the improvement of keys beyond TOP10) and Page performance (performance represents how much you are getting compared to what you could get, in percentage). These boxes are flanked by the graph dedicated to the URL performance over time, from which you can also set a very useful feature (also present in other sections of the tool and signaled by a text message): by selecting a period on the graph, in fact, you can analyze in detail the keywords that have had variations in the set interval, to focus your investigations and verifications only on the moment that, for example, has seen a sudden drop in traffic and identify its possible causes. This analysis inside the analysis shows you the detail of the keywords that improved, worsened or kept their rankings stable in the time frame, with data on the average starting and final positions and the change in traffic found.

In the area below you can access the complete analysis on the keywords ranked, with a series of tabs that offer more useful information for your strategy, and in particular:

  • All keywords, a list of precisely all the keywords on the page under consideration.
  • TOP10, list of the keywords on the page that appear in the top 10 positions on Google.
  • Potential, list of keywords that are positioned near the first page of Google and that an optimization work could bring to TOP10, thus increasing the site traffic.
  • Distant, list of keywords positioned on the 4th and 5th Google page.

For all these tabs, SEOZoom offers a tabular view that reports detailed information about the keyword, such as ranking in SERP, changes from previous scan, estimated volume and traffic, average CPC, KO and KD, plus clickable actions from the hamburger menu to deepen the analysis on the individual keyword and individual URL.

SEO analysis, to perform a quick general analysis on the level of optimization of the selected keyword, also in relation to the competitors that are getting the best results.

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Pages with Potential

In the Pages with Potential section you can see which pages detected by SEOZoom have many keywords placed on the second and third page of Google

Filters and column sorting can be a good help to analyze the data, and you can also export the single view or the whole grid for each table; moreover, through the hamburger menu you can also directly add the URL in Monitored Pages or perform other URL actions.

For each selected web page SEOZoom indicates a range of information, such as PZA, traffic (potential, reachable by bringing all identified keywords to the first page, and current percentage of return compared to the total site), change in traffic from the previous month, and total identified keywords (in the Keyword box). Then, by clicking on Enable page potential, you will have the chance to enable the visual representation in the graph of the potential of the URL under analysis.

The table on the bottom right, on the other hand, contains data on SERP position, ranking trend compared to previous scan, volume, average CPC, keyword difficulty, keyword opportunity, traffic estimated to be coming from the various keywords, plus the hamburger menu to launch more detailed analysis.

Through the various tabs you can deepen the analysis and only view the keywords in TOP10, the Potential ones (i.e. positioned on the second and third page) and Distant ones, i.e. keywords positioned beyond the third page of Google.

SEOZoom also provides you with an additional cue by dedicating a tab to Similar Pages, i.e., pages positioned with keywords in common with the one being analyzed: in this way, you can detect cases of cannibalization and solve these problematic situations.

The last tab pertains the SEO Analysis, which you can also access directly from this section.

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Main Pages

The Main Pages group highlights the web pages of the site under analysis that currently have the highest traffic volume. For each URL, the estimated monthly volume and number of keywords placed is shown.

From this section you can check, as with Pages with Potential, the ranking data, the PZA, SEOZoom’s metric that indicates the authority of each web page, and also directly perform an SEO analysis.

From the “Traffic Trend” graph you can also see if the Page’s growth is stable or if there has been any particular sign of change from the previous 12 months, either positive or negative.

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Pages with the most keywords

The Pages with the most keywords section lists the web pages that have precisely the most keywords placed in the top five search engine pages as a whole, with the possibility of checking all the information in detail.

This information is useful, for example, to find out how many and which pages have many keywords positioned on the fourth and fifth pages, so as to study possible optimizations that could lead to improved performance and results.

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New Pages

The New Pages section highlights project site pages that have recently entered the SERPs. This section is extremely useful in a number of cases, because it allows you, for example, to check how quickly the content you publish manages to rank on Google or even to monitor the progress of a competitor (by creating a Project for their site).

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The Cannibalization section presents a tool that analyzes the pages of the project site to check for multiple URLs competing for the same keywords. This tool compares web pages with each other and indicates those that compete for the same keyword, thus risking hindering site performance.

The table with the list of problematic URLs contains the “Duplicates” column that indicates in percentage the possibility that in Google’s eyes this page is similar to another. Also, by clicking on the “Duplicates” button you can check which keywords are in common and which pages compete on the same data.

Be careful not to get confused: SEOZoom is not telling you that the text is duplicated or copied, but simply that, according to the scan performed, the indicated pages are ranking for the same keywords in a higher or lower percentage.

The URL-specific analysis table has data on SERP position, ranking trend since previous scan, volume, average CPC, keyword difficulty, keyword opportunity, the traffic that is estimated to be coming from the various keywords.

As with the other tabs in this section, you can focus the analysis on the keywords in TOP10, Potential (i.e., positioned on the second and third pages), and Distant, i.e., positioned beyond the third page, but also access the SEO Analysis directly.

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Monitored Pages

With Monitored Pages you have a tool that allows you to manually enter specific pages or paths of the project site to be kept under close control thanks to SEOZoom.

Through this section you can also ask SEOZoom to save a page in its current state and add notes to indicate the changes made: in this way, you can check the progress of the page over time and thus the effects of the changes, as well as download all the various HTML versions of the page itself.

You can add Pages to be monitored by manually entering a URL or even directly a path, to monitor specific areas of the site identified precisely by a specific path; in addition, you can also subdivide URLs into Groups, to have a dedicated view.

By clicking on the URL you can analyze in detail the performance of the page and view the most important data for your strategy.

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This feature allows you to monitor the performance of individual, specific parts of your site, defined by a unique “path” or “pathway,” so you can virtually create individual “micro-projects” related to these portions of your site.

To start the scan, you simply tell SEOZoom the URL of the path to be monitored and then display the data. The information is distributed in five TABs: Overview, Best Pages and Keywords, Pages with Potential, and Underperforming pages, which allow you to deepen your analysis by identifying which element to focus on.

For example, you could work on Pages with Potential (the URLs in the section that have keywords very close to the first page of Google) or Underperforming Pages (those that don’t rank with any keyword in TOP 10) to figure out what kind of SEO-side intervention could bring the greatest results.

From a practical point of view, you can use the Sections area to monitor the performance of specific categories of an eCommerce (but not only), or separately analyze the performance of an eCommerce and that of the blog in subfolder.

From a technical point of view, section metrics are calculated at the same time as the whole project metrics, so once a day; when you add a new section, you will have to wait for the whole project to be scanned to see the first results.

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URL Inspector

URL Inspector is one of SEOZoom’s most powerful tools, it shows things that no other tool shows, but it is extremely complex and is designed for experienced, PRO-level users because it requires advanced professional expertise, insight, and analysis skills that may be “out of reach” for novices.

For this reason, it is reserved for Professional, Business and Corporate plans only.

Present within the “Pages” menu in the Projects area, when you start it URL Inspector performs a long and elaborate scan of all the pages of your project site with the relevant keywords placed on Google, and thus needs some time to provide the results.

The first aspect it highlights is already significant, because it allows you to identify whether you have optimized title and URL compared to your main competitors. It also gives you a way to see immediately whether you have hit the main keywords, the ones with the highest estimated traffic, or whether the strategy so far adopted by you (or by those who have preceded you in the activity on a client’s site) is out of focus and therefore a turnaround is needed to try to gain higher positions.

In the overall dashboard you can immediately notice four boxes, which tell you about total number of pages analyzed, percentage of optimized URLs out of the total, and then pages with the most searched keyword already used in the URL (and therefore already optimized) and pages where the most searched keyword was not used in the URL. These last two fields are clickable and allow you to immediately filter the respective view, so that only the list of URLs on which to focus your attention is activated.

At the bottom, however, there are three boxes: the table on the left lists all the pages on your site that have been analyzed, with an indication of the number of keywords placed, the estimated total search volume they might reach, and a checkmark (or a red cross) indicating whether or not the keyword is present in the URL.

Clicking on a row activates a second table, which analyzes the URL in detail and offers further guidance for optimization. First, here you find the list of all keywords with their key information, for a first overview of the strategy so far. Then, by looking at the box on the right, you immediately find out whether the keyword you are examining is addressed on other pages of your project site (similar pages) and how many competitors among those in the top10 on Google have chosen to use this keyword in the title. Here SEOZoom’s algorithm also gives you more specific “suggestions” for action, indicating, for example, whether you should work on improving the page or whether it would be better to focus your efforts on creating new content instead.

In this regard, you can further filter the view to get “ideas for new content.”

In this field, SEOZoom shows a list of all the keywords you could use in a new in-depth content related to a topic. After analyzing the possible presence of pages with similar content, the algorithm advises you to consider creating a new, more specific page to compete for a keyword not fully “centered” with the previous content.

Also in this area you can check if there are precisely pages with similar content and also what is the level of optimization achieved by competitors, through reporting the number of pages of competitors who have used the keyword in the title, to have more or less potential chances to reach the top10 of Google with adequate content.

The level of competitiveness of the keyword optimization can also be seen in the table, specifically in the TM and PM columns: Title Match informs you of the number of pages in Google’s Top10 that adopted exact match in the title and thus used the keyword exactly in the title, while Partial Match lets you know how many pages, as a percentage, used the keyword partially or with variants.

Basically, then, URL Inspector supports professional work on sites, particularly client sites, because it is used to identify the type of strategy adopted at the level of keyword research and content creation, particularly with respect to optimization choices for the title and URL fields, so as to identify any errors or problems.

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