
The Competitor section is designed to allow you to analyze and compare your data with that of your direct online competitors (using the list of competitors you added in the project settings as a starting point).

From the General Summary dashboard you can see a series of charts that put the domains flagged as “competitors” in “competition”, thus helping you analyze the traffic volume of various projects.

You can take advantage of the various actions available from the hamburger menu for direct analysis of individual domains, namely: Analyze Domain or Root Domain where present, browse the Domain directly (SEOZoom will open the navigation in another tab), analyze the best keywords or directly compare the project site with its organic competitors.

Let’s start looking at the graphs in detail.

The first one shows the performance of your site and the one selected as a competitor, with the possibility to analyze the information by date and period.

Scrolling down the page you can view the bar graph showing the competition on keyword distribution, that is, the exact amount of keywords that are ranked on the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth page of Google.

Within the bubble graph, on the other hand, you can check the performance of websites competing on the same keywords; in particular, traffic and number of keywords are analyzed.

From the Competitors Detail tab, you can instead deepen the analysis by comparing different views to check the difference in ranking and performance. By selecting a Competitor from the table on the left, you activate a series of information that is useful for you to make verifications and study the best strategies.

The different views available allow you to delve into a number of aspects related to the keywords of the Competitors versus those of the project site, and in particular:

  • Content GAP: lists the Competitor’s Top keywords for which the Project site lacks content in SERP
  • Keywords in common: reports the keywords for which both domains are ranking
  • Keyword on which you are losing: indicates the keywords on which the Competitor is ranking better than the Project site
  • Keyword on which you are winning: groups the keywords on which the Project site is ranking better than the Competitor
  • Competition in TOP10: shows the keywords in TOP10 for which the two domains are in direct competition.

From all these tabs, you can also launch more in-depth analyses on the individual keyword or related URL positioned by simply selecting one of the actions in the hamburger menu.

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