Creating a project

Creating a new project is the best means of knowing all the information regarding a website and viewing the most up-to-date statistics about its traffic and returns.

From this section you have the ability to monitor keywords, thanks to the tracking feature that indeed keeps track of improvements or droppings in ranking, but also spy on the competition and get important information about the status of the website.

To proceed in creating a project just click on the + button in the “SEO Projects” section of the left column, or on the + button that appears in the Projects menu in the top bar, or even on the dedicated button you find when analyzing any domain.

There are five steps to correctly set up the new project: let’s look at them in detail.

After clicking on New Project, a pop-up appears asking you to enter basic details, namely the name and address of the website: click on Save to proceed.

To continue with the configuration, click on “Set up Project” in the window that appears immediately after.

This will now open the section that allows you to add a list of Keywords to monitor, in which you can enter all the keywords that you think are important for your site and your strategy.

You can add keywords using the search function, the Add from list button, or the import tool (from .csv file or Google Search Console).

From here you also have another option, which is to use SEOZoom as a rank tracker to monitor the ranking of the keywords you are interested in on all international versions of Google. From Monitoring Settings, in fact, you can set the Google extension on which you intend to focus the analysis and its language, thus obtaining ranking information on the keywords you enter (but not the exact search volumes, which are only available for SEOZoom’s international databases).

Still in this area, then, you can also set up the monitoring of a keyword on a local basis, which is useful for queries strongly influenced by the user’s location: in fact, by default, SEOZoom analyzes SERPs by setting UK as the location, but in some cases you may need a more precise geolocation to really find out how your site and pages perform compared to competitors in the area.

The next step is about adding and selecting competitors in SERPs that you have personally identified or that have been recognized by SEOZoom: in this way, you will be able to access the project’s competitor section and have data tailored to your interests and needs. You can also extend the list of competitors by entering different domains in the search bar.

In the next tab you have the option to enter your brand name, people related to it, and specific products, information that SEOZoom will use to better monitor and verify your brand’s presence online by analyzing branded placements and proceeding with accurate branded link crawling.

To add an entry, simply type in the term and then “enter” with your keyboard so that a pillow tag will appear: you can fill in each field with up to ten items.

Having an idea of your brand’s presence on the web is a key aspect of an accurate marketing campaign, and SEOZoom helps you track brands, people or products related to a specific brand.

In the Users section, you can also provide access to one of your collaborators or external clients: this way, the user will be able to monitor data with the view-only function, for the individual project for which they are enabled.

To proceed, simply enter the person’s name and email and then click on Create User: the user will receive an email with instructions for accessing the suite and the project (i.e., from the link ).

In the last step, you have the opportunity to connect your project to the tools provided by Google. This way you can monitor your work more comprehensively, integrating data with data provided by Google Analytics, Google Search Console and Google Looker Studio. To make the connection, just click on Connect and enter your account information.
Google API integration is optional (not mandatory), so if you prefer, you can skip this step and save the project.

As for Looker Studio, the integration is available only for the Business and Corporate plans, is activated through the add-on menu and has a monthly cost. By proceeding with the purchase you will be able to create charts and reports in Looker Studio using SEOZoom data and metrics. Specifically, when you first log in you’ll need to retrieve a token that allows the Looker Studio connector to “communicate” with SEOZoom and derive the required data; in addition, you’ll also find a handy file with a list of ready-made connectors, created to simplify and speed up your work with ready-made templates that can be copied into a single Looker Studio report

Other optional features include the ability to install the SEOZoom WordPress plugin, which allows you to optimize content directly from your WordPress panel.
[Please note: at the moment, this feature is only available to users who activated the account before 2023, as the new and improved version of the plugin is under development].

Perfect: you have set up your project correctly, now all you have to do is climb the SERPs!

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Your Projects

The “Your Projects” area contains all the projects entered within your account: from here you can monitor all the sites quickly and easily, but also access the Bin to permanently remove obsolete projects or choose how to view the list.

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The sections of the project

In the previous chapter we saw the steps to follow in order to add a new project in SEOZoom. In this part of the guide we are going to explore the “Your Projects” section and analyze all the items in the submenu that precisely pertain to one of your projects.

First of all, in the “Your Projects” summary screen ->  you can observe the following data:

  • Date and time of last update.
  • Total MONITORED KEYWORDS for the individual Project.
  • KEY UP: the number of monitored keywords that gained positive variations since the previous scan.
  • KEY DOWN: the number of monitored keywords that gained negative variations since the previous scan.
  • KEY STABLE: all keywords that have remained stable since the last scan and have not changed position within Google’s organic results.
  • TRAFFIC: measures the value of site traffic based on the monitored keywords.
  • MONTHLY TREND: indicates the monthly traffic trend of the monitored keywords.
  • WEEKLY TREND: indicates the weekly traffic trend of the monitored keywords.

From the buttons at the bottom of the box, it is possible to view the Project, directly access its modification area, or delete the project.

Then by selecting an individual project, you can notice a menu that takes you to the different analyses you can perform:

  • Project Overview: the main dashboard, from which you have access to the first valuable information about the Project.
  • SEO: the section from which to analyze the OnPage optimization, aany technical factors and work checklist.
  • Keywords: to analyze keywords in detail, thanks to the many subsections.
  • Pages: to see keyword rankings for individual URLs and analyze the Pages Performance.
  • Competitors: to spy on the performance of your competitors and find out the differences in positioning.
  • Backlinks: the section from which you will be able to access our Link Monitor.
  • Analytics: if you have connected your Analytics account, in this section you can analyze data directly on SEOZoom with simplified views.
  • Notepad: where you can create and find your various Project Notes.
  • Edit: from which you can change the Project settings.

Let’s take a look now, in detail, at the various internal features of the project.

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Project Overview

In the first menu item (Project Overview) you have access to a whole range of data dedicated to the domain you are monitoring.

Within the first dashboard you find the estimated traffic of the domain and that of the keywords you have decided to monitor in the project, then a series of indexes inherent to the domain’s performance, such as Zoom Authority, Zoom Trust, Zoom Stability and Zoom Opportunity (you can find their definitions in Glossary -> )

This is followed by three boxes from where the status of the monitored keywords is immediately visible: those that have risen, those that are dropping, and those that are stable.

Synthetically, then, at the top of the overview are:

  • The estimated traffic.
  • The Zoom Authority.
  • The Zoom Trust.
  • The Zoom Stability.
  • The Zoom Opportunity.
  • The number of monitored Keywords increased from previous scan.
  • The number of monitored Keywords decreased from previous scan.
  • The number of monitored Keywords stable compared to previous scan.

In the second part, the dashboard presents other useful information for your strategy.

  • The first box shows summary data from the SEO Checklist, the tool that allows you to keep track of a number of SEO elements and best practices, with an actual checklist and operational optimization tips.
  • SEO Optimization: the more “technical” tool, which analyzes the domain and gives you information about errors or warnings related to site elements.
  • Quarterly Plan: the tool that helps you plan site activities based on keywords that have increasing search trends in the following months.
  • Improve Content: the tool that helps you analyze the site’s Pages based on their performance and gives you tips on how to improve them.
  • Watch out for Competitors: a quick check on Competitor trends, so you always have a useful overview info at your fingertips about the context in which your site operates.

Below this dashboard you have a few important charts:

  • The first is Monitored Keywords Ranking, with the estimated traffic trends for Monitored Keywords (and therefore the ones entered to Project), which immediately gives you an idea of the ranking in SERPs (TOP10 in green, over in red). The graph updates every 24 hours and shows in the upper right hand corner the date and time of the last update.
  • Project Keywords Trend reports the graphical summary of the most important changes in the keywords you have chosen to monitor, also reporting the date of the last update.
  • Domain Trend is a graph that updates every 7 days and shows an overall view of the website’s performance, from which you can check the overall performance of the website and also keep track of Google’s algorithmic updates, marked with the Google “G” icon right at the date the update was launched. You can also add notes, to keep track of useful information for your strategy.
  • Keywords Distribution quickly shows you how and how often your site’s keywords are ranked within the first five Google pages.
  • This is followed below by the Zoom Authority trend graph, which visually shows how this metric has changed over time, and the Traffic Prediction graph: the latter shows the “expected traffic” that may reach your site over the next 12 months, which is an estimate based on current placement data and the seasonality of individual months, assuming that for the next 12 months the estimated data remains unchanged.

Continuing the navigation of the page, further down you will find some tables inherent to the Pages of the project site and its monitored keyword, namely:

  • Pages that are gaining traffic: i.e., Pages that are ranking well in SERPs and have gained placement in TOP10 since the previous scan.
  • Pages that are losing traffic: i.e., mirroring the previous box, Pages that are declining and have lost placements in TOP10.
  • Pages bringing the most traffic: the “Best Pages” of the Project site, those with more keywords in TOP10, which bring good traffic to the domain.
  • Ideas for new articles: helps you identify new keywords on which it might be interesting to write new content, with indication about the main Intent currently identified (and rewarded) by Google. On the practical side, SEOZoom shows you a list of keywords for which Competitors are ranked but the Project domain is not in TOP50.The screen ends with a quick view of the Project keywords, and thanks to the two tables we can immediately identify the rising monitored keywords and the dropping monitored keywords.

In all tables, at the end of each row, you will find the hamburger menu that allows you to perform specific in-depth actions based on the type of “object” being analyzed. You can read more in the glossary (Hamburger Menu Actions).

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By browsing the Keywords submenu you can delve into the main aspects related to the analysis of the keywords on which the site competes, and in particular you can check the trend of the monitored keywords, find out which keywords are the best and potential ones, and then again know the ones going up, down, those entering or leaving the TOP10, up to viewing all the keywords for which the project domain is positioned.

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Monitored Keywords

The first section of the menu allows you to delve into the performance of the monitored keywords, which are precisely those that you have decided to include in the list that SZ provides you to track performance more accurately.

In the left part of the screen you can consult the table with all the keywords you have added, for which the main information and values are shown (estimated search volume, position in SERP, variation from previous scan and SEO score from the last analysis), with the possibility of extending the analysis in detail by clicking on the hamburger menu (which opens the “keyword actions”).

On the right side you can check the performance of the individual keyword selected in SERP and all the main changes in organic ranking over time, with the possibility to set a custom date range as well. On the other hand, by clicking on the “SERP feature” TAB you can view the composition of Google’s SERP for that keyword, with a preview of the results placed in TOP10 with their snippets and a description of any additional features present, such as featured snippets.

Lastly, the last box on the right lists the sites positioned in the first 5 pages of Google for that keyword and reports the change in ranking since the previous scan; furthermore, clicking on a result automatically adds the page to the SERP Trend graph to allow you to make a visual comparison between the performance of the various sites.

To refine your analysis, you can use the different filters available and then select specific groups of monitored keywords to study; in particular, you can filter keywords according to their performance, according to the tags you have set, or according to the latest time changes.

Then, by clicking on the “Compare with Competitors” tab, you can analyze the performance of the monitored keywords of your project site with the domains you have identified as organic competitors: for each keyword, SEOZoom shows you the search volume, the position of the project site and its URL, and, on the same line, information about the different competitor sites, to perform quick checks and strategic evaluations.

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Keyword Studio

Keyword Studio is the heart of the Project pertaining to everything that is keyword analysis!

From here start different analysis paths, different visualizations and tables that will keep you up-to-date on the Keyword performance of the Project site.

The first table available to you is the Ranked keywords table, that is, the top keywords placed in the top ten positions on Google.

The next tabs allow you to delve into the keywords divided into Traffic Increases and Drops (i.e., the keywords that have entered or left the TOP10), which is useful to find out which keywords are gaining positions and which are losing them. The box on the right summarizes for you at a glance the overall situation, showing the total number of keywords going up or down and the corresponding change in traffic generated by these movements; by activating SERP View, then, you have the possibility to check the composition of the most recent SERP and make a quick comparison with competitors.

Next is the Potential tab, which groups keywords positioned from the 11th to the 30th position: this section contains information on all those keywords positioned on the second and third page of Google, which with effective optimization activity you could bring to TOP10 to get more organic traffic. This list is very interesting for your strategy, because it makes you immediately discover keywords with good growth potential for the Project site and allows you to identify all the pages (also filtering the results by URL) that just need a little “push” to climb more positions, such as a content-improving intervention or possibly an OffPage SEO activity.

In the Featured Snippets table you find the keywords in position Zero – i.e., the keywords that have gained a featured snippet in SERP – and you also preview the snippet chosen by Google.

SERP Features is the section that shows you the Keywords positioned in a SERP in which there is at least one Google feature, with indication of the type and possibility to filter so to analyze the type of feature that enriches the results page.

In the Branded Keywords table you can check which keywords are related to your Brand or your brand’s products (based on the information you entered in the project settings).

And, last but not least, All Keywords lists you precisely all the keywords placed for the Project domain: within this last section you can then discover all the keywords for which the project domain is present in the first five pages of Google, thus including the words that you chose not to monitor or that you did not consider when creating the project itself. Within the screen you can filter keywords by positions and thus perform a more in-depth analysis of the project, or use the time filters to check keywords detected in three different crucial moments (yesterday – today – last week).

In each section, the keywords list table reports a range of data and information useful for analyzing the keyword and making strategic assessments, which can then be deepened with the actions included in the hamburger menu. Specifically, the columns allow you to check:

  • Pos: the Position in SERP.
  • Var: the change in ranking from previous scan.
  • Volume: the average volume of the Keyword.
  • Estimated Traffic: the traffic estimate calculated by SEOZoom for the specific keyword.
  • Intent: the type of intent (Informational, Navigational, Commercial, Transactional) identified for the keyword.
  • Features: indicates the presence of features in SERP and specifies their type(Frequently Asked Questions Box, YouTube Video List, Photo Carousels, etc.).
  • Average CPC: the average cost per click.
  • URL: the Page positioned for the Keyword.
  • Seasonality: search volume graph on a monthly basis, which allows you to find out at a glance if the Keyword is subject to a seasonal kind of variation.
  • KD: Keyword Difficulty.
  • KO: Keyword Opportunity.

In Keyword Studio you can also group URLs and filter the tables by page by simply dragging the URL column to the top section of the table.

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Quarterly Plan

The Quarterly Plan tool allows you to perform an analysis on the upcoming quarter, to find out which keywords will tend to have higher relevance and then prepare an appropriate optimization strategy to improve your presence in SERPs.

Thanks to the filter in the upper right corner, you can select keywords based on a specific range of search volume, so you can work more directly and strategically on a smaller group of keywords and pages.

Also, to filter the table by pages (and not on individual keywords) you can drag the URL column to the top section of the table, thus setting up a view by URL groups.

The table presents you with crucial data for each keyword, specifically the average monthly search volume, expected search volume in the next three months, seasonality chart, Intent type, active Features in SERP, KD and KO levels, while the hamburger menu allows you to deepen your study with Keyword Actions and URL Actions.

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Content Gap

In the content gap analysis tool SEOZoom offers you an analysis on the selected keywords by analyzing the main competitors dealing with similar topics as the Project site.

For each keyword, in the table you will find indication of intent type, KD and KO values, CPC value and estimated search volume, and by clicking on the hamburger menu you can further deepen the analysis with various “keyword actions”.

The tool can help you find ideas for content on which you have not yet built any pages or posts, but it may also show you keywords for which you already created content, but that still have not ranked well in SERPs. In that case, if you click on a keyword, you will find in the table on the right the existing pages of your website that deal with topics related to that keyword, to which it might be profitable to devote an optimization effort.

On the top right side there is also a keyword search box, that you can use to check whether you have actually already written content for the keyword you are interested in.

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Seasonal Keywords

The “Seasonal Keywords” section presents a comprehensive report on the seasonal volumes of the keywords for which the project website is positioned. From the horizontal selector at the top you can choose the month you want to analyze: after clicking, the central table will list all the keywords that have an increase of at least 0.25% over the average annual volume in that specific month.

In the top dashboard there are four aggregate values:

  • Potential traffic of the month: the estimated traffic assuming that the keywords listed in the table (and not on the first page on Google) will reach the fifth position in SERP.
  • Current traffic: the current estimated traffic, based on the seasonal keywords already ranked in TOP10.
  • Results obtained: a horizontal bar showing at a glance the current percentage of seasonal keywords traffic to the project site compared to the total potential they could achieve.
  • Increment: a selector that allows you, by increasing or decreasing the value on the scale, to filter out keywords with increasing seasonal variation.

The first column shows the keywords; this is followed by the position column, the ranking variation from previous scan, the ranking URL, the average monthly volume, and the column showing the search volume for the keyword in the single month analyzed. The Seasonal Increase column highlights the estimated monthly volume increase of the keyword, while the seasonality graph shows the trend throughout the year. Other useful information for your strategy is also shown for each keyword, such as the search intent, whether there are any features in SERP, and KD and KO values, with the hamburger menu leading you to Keyword Actions and URL Actions for further types of analysis.

In this section, too, you can group URLs together to have the table filtered by pages: simply drag the column to the top section of the table.

Remember that the features in the “Seasonal Keywords” section help you get an overview of the website’s performance and potential. Use the information to plan page revisions, to develop your link building strategy, or to define new content to be created.

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Long Tail Keywords

With this tool you can delve into the long-tail keywords for which your website is ranked, with all the basic information to analyze the keyword from different strategic aspects and launch “keyword actions” and “URL actions” (available from the hamburger menu).

Use the sidebar to set the filter based on search volume and develop a winning strategy on high-potential terms. In this section, as well, you can set the table view by page and not by individual keyword: just drag the URL column to the top section of the table.

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Within this section you can analyze the distribution of your Project site’s keywords, that is, how and how often they are ranked within the first five Google pages. Here is an example screenshot:

The first bar graph shows the values by number of keywords in the search engine pages: the first page results are detailed and indicate precisely the keywords present between the first and third position, those between the fourth and sixth position and, lastly, the keywords present between the seventh and tenth position. In other cases, however, the bars unite all the keywords present on the referring Google page.

The pie chart, on the other hand, shows the distribution of keywords in terms of percentage. You can also use the timeline to select a date, so you can check how the distribution has changed over time.

The chart below allows you to focus on the historical distribution of keywords by following the trend of the lines, which have different colors based on the Google page they refer to. Again, you can select any date range you like over the past two years, where the data is present.

At the bottom of the page we have the data available in tabular form, marked by the last 7 weekly project updates.

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Niche Keywords

In this section SEOZoom shows the list of all the Sectors inherent to the project site “identified” by Google, specifying for each one the total of related keywords placed.

In the dashboard at the top there are four boxes, from which you can check the information related to the currently selected individual sector/category:

  • Overall Ranking: the site’s position in the Overall Ranking for that sector (for the individual sector/category selected).
  • TZA: the Topical Zoom Authority related to the sector (for the individual sector/category selected).
  • Search Volume: the total search volume of your site’s keywords placed in that industry (for the individual industry/category selected).
  • Keywords: the total number of keywords on your site that are placed in that industry (for the individual industry/category selected).

You can browse the left menu and check how many and which keywords belong to the different sectors, and how they are positioned; you can also delve into the topic of Sectors from the dedicated tool -> Niche Investigation -> .

In the right table we find the analysis of keywords by Sector, with columns useful for the analysis:

  • Pos: the SERP position of the site under analysis for the indicated keyword.
  • Volume: the average search volume.
  • Intent: the type of prioritized search intent.
  • Features: the features present in SERP.
  • Average CPC: the average cost per click.
  • URL: the Page of the site positioned for the selected keyword.
  • Seasonality: graph of search volume on a monthly basis, which allows you to find out at a glance if the keyword is subject to a seasonal type of variation.
  • KD: Keyword Difficulty.
  • KO: Keyword Opportunity.

At the end of each row, then, you can find the hamburger menu from which you can launch a series of more in-depth analyses on the keyword or page.

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Social Opportunities

“Social Opportunities” is a tool designed to help you identify those keywords specific to your industry that not only drive traffic to your site, but are also valuable to your social media presence. More specifically, it allows you to discover which keywords are generating Top10 ranked results in Google SERPs from social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or Pinterest, in addition to traditional sites.

“Opportunities” are identified through a competitor analysis of the project site you are working on: this can be fully automatic (if you have not added any competitors in the project settings) or somewhat guided (if you have manually entered known competitors, also shown in the table above). In the latter case, the data will be much more accurate and relevant to the scope of your site’s activity, reducing the possibility of finding “false positives” (such as only partial competitors, which therefore also lead to the inclusion of off-target keywords for your interests).

In the general table of the tool you will see a range of useful information such as the social platform or UGC that has a top 10 result for the keyword, global and specific traffic volume for the social result, search intent identified by Google, seasonality of searches, and Keyword Opportunity and Keyword Difficulty values. Using the left column, on the other hand, you can filter the analysis by the type of social media or UGC site you are most interested in, so you can focus on a specific channel or content type.

This information gives you valuable insights for a more effective multichannel content strategy: thanks to “Social Opportunities,” you have the opportunity to expand your output by leveraging social platforms that Google considers relevant to your keywords. This will allow you to diversify your content, focusing on multimedia formats that can increase your visibility and intercept a wider audience. At the same time, you can strengthen your presence on keywords and increase your organic visibility by investing in the creation of multimedia as well as text content geared toward the social media favored by Google.

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Google FAQ

Google FAQ allows you to see all the questions users ask about the content your website covers.

To be precise, it lists all the questions that appear in the “People Also Ask” box of Google SERPs in correlation with each keyword for which your site is ranked in the top 10.

This way you can discover common issues and frequently asked questions from users, so you have a detailed overview of their needs that you can take into account to enrich and improve your content.
In fact, thanks to Google FAQs, you can see right away whether your content meets the real needs of users doing Google searches. With this information, you can optimize your web pages to make them of higher quality and more relevant to people.This tool helps you structure your articles perfectly, answering users’ questions and concerns directly and increasing the likelihood of providing comprehensive and relevant answers to users’ searches.

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From the SEO section you can carry out different analyses on the optimization of your Project, both OnPage and technical; in particular, from here you can analyze the OnPage optimization of the site, access the checklist, which presents a list of actions and verifications to guide you in the development of the management of an SEO project, as well as launch the SEO Spider analysis, so that you can delve into the state of the domain on a technical level, and the Page Speed test, based on data from Google tools.

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OnPage SEO

The OnPage SEO section offers tools and analysis to support the optimization of all elements within the web pages of your site.

It is divided into 4 tabs: All keywords, Configured keywords, Keywords with issues, Keywords to set up, and allows you to do analysis on different aspects.

So in this section you can figure out what mistakes, if any, have been made and get an evaluation on a percentage basis that is mainly based on the response to three OnPage factors:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Search Intent

The analysis is done based on an already positioned key or by associating a keyword among the monitored ones with the page you intend to optimize.

Here is an example screenshot:

In the area on the left you can vary the focus of keyword analysis, with 4 possible groups:

  • All keywords: all monitored keywords and any associated or to-be-associated URLs.
  • Configured keywords: all keywords for which you have already indicated the web page you would like to place.
  • Keyword with issues: the tool shows in the table the keywords that currently rank in SERP with a different page than the one you have configured in this section.
  • Keyword to set up: the tool shows in the table the keywords that you have not yet associated with a specific URL.

It is also possible that the tool recommends you a different URL than the one you have matched: if so, you can consider changing it if it is useful/if you are interested in working on its optimization.

By selecting a key from the table (if necessary, you can also change the analysis URL), SEOZoom offers on the right a dashboard with different data and scores on the level of optimization.

From the tabs, different levels of insights are available:

  • Tips: suggestions related to SEO optimization best practices for the actual body of content.
  • Page Analysis: a technical summary of the page under review, showing indications of the tags used (title and meta description), headings (list of all H1, H2, H3, etc. present) and formatting (particularly terms emphasized in italics or bold in the text), as well as links and images present in the entire URL content.
  • Keywords: with indications of the keywords placed in SERPs.
  • Keywords in the text: the keywords with search volumes, relevant to the search intent related to the main kw with which the URL is associated, that SEOZoom actually found in the text of the page.

Actions from the hamburger menu:

For each row, you can also initiate additional Actions from the table, either on the Keyword or the URL. Specifically, you can check the Latest SERP, launch the specific Analysis and Search Intent Analysis for the Keyword, find similar Keywords and start the editorial assistant to write a new content, and – furthermore – browse the URL, analyze it in detail, check the Search Intent of the URL and add the address to the list of monitored URLs.

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SEO Checklist

The SEO Checklist section presents a list of actions and checks to guide you through the development of an SEO project, keeping note of everything you have already done and what remains pending.

The SEO work has been categorized starting with all the basic checks you need to do on any website, such as setting up Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and other basic prerequisites to get off on the right foot.

For each element of the SEO Checklist there are two buttons: clicking on “Info” opens a window explaining the relevant topic, while the second button varies depending on the type of activity, and in some cases it might suggest an action on an external page, such as to configure Google Analytics, or refer to the specific section of SEOZoom to take direct action on the point under analysis.

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SEO Spider (Project)

The spider is a tool that allows you to deeply analyze the structure of your site by scanning it for internal links.

It is a complex tool because it offers technical data that needs to be interpreted as best as possible, but it is also the means to take a step forward and really be able to improve your site.

In fact, SEOZoom’s SEO Spider shows how a website is viewed by the Google’s spider, highlighting anomalies and all possible errors in the code or in the use of TAGs that important for the SEO.

The “ERRORS” and “WARNING” filters group together the various issues you need to be aware of and should take action on, and allow you to simplify the viewing of the screens.

From the SEO Spider you can analyze the crawl with individual errors/warnings:

Or analyze the site tree (Crawl Tree):

From this section you can only launch the crawl of only the site you have entered as project; to examine a different domain, you can activate the tool from the left side menu and set up the analysis you are interested in (click here for more information on how to use the spider and the information it reports).

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SEO Page Speed

The Page Speed section allows you to check the behavior of your site against some of the main parameters that refer to technical performance, based on static monitoring on a weekly basis of the values detected by the Google Lighthouse tool. To be precise, SEOZoom crawls your site through our servers located in Italy, applying the rules that Google provides to evaluate performance and used, precisely, to compose the Lighthouse report, which can be found in the developer tools section of Google Chrome.

In particular, within the Performance section you can perform an analysis on the speed of the website’s Home Page, with all the information to improve the responsiveness of the online project thanks to an evaluation on a 100 basis.

After clicking on “Page Speed” you will be presented with a dashboard that shows a preview of the Project site on the left and, immediately below, allows you to add more template pages to analyze. On the right, however, a graph appears showing the site’s performance over time, with various tabs that allow you to deepen the analysis.

Also on the right, immediately below the graph, SEOZoom provides you with a more in-depth PageSpeed analysis on some crucial performance aspects, available for both desktop and mobile versions of the site.

Here is an example screenshot:

By browsing the submenu you can get more information, statistics and optimization tips for speed and performance of your website, with particular reference to the values of the Core Web Vitals, technical parameters that Google considers in the overall Page Experience as a ranking factor to determine page rankings.

You can also ask SEOZoom to monitor up to five page types: just click on “Add template Page” and indicate the page type and URL on which to run speed and usability tests.

Page template (type) means, for example:

  • Category page
  • TAG page
  • Single product page
  • Article page

In this way, you can analyze the speed of each type of page template on the website; after you load the page, the engine scans it as soon as possible and stores the performance trend over time.

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The Pages section allows you to analyze, monitor, and optimize the performance of the web pages of the project site through many useful sections: let’s take a look at them together!

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Pages Performance

The first section gives you an overview of both the Performance and Crawl Budget usage, based on a set of predetermined traffic ranges. The Crawl Budget value represents an estimate made by SEOZoom of the resources Google has to devote in order to crawl these pages: the figure can help you quickly figure out which sections of the website are taking up the most resources and which are bringing in a higher estimated volume of traffic.

The following values are highlighted in the top three boxes:

  • Wasted crawl budget: how many and what percentage of the total are very low performing pages, which are therefore wasting the site’s crawl budget
  • Improve Your Pages: a preview of how much content is “easy to optimize” according to SEOZoom, namely those resources that already have a good potential of keywords positioned on the second and third Google page, and the percentage of traffic increase that the actual improvements could bring (-> by clicking on Improve Your Pages you can directly access the dedicated view).
  • Attainable Goal: A summary of the results you can achieve by optimizing your content, and in particular the volume of potential visits you could get by working on identified pages and keywords.

In the site’s Pages Performance section, which updates weekly, you can access the dedicated analysis. The table shows, in each row:

  • the estimated monthly traffic range.
  • The number of pages that achieve the estimated monthly traffic in the selected range.
  • the contribution of those pages, i.e., the total estimated traffic volume aggregated for the pages in the selected range.
  • the number of total placed keywords that are present in the pages of the selected range.
  • the performance, which expresses as a percentage what is the volume of traffic derived from each of these groups of web pages compared to the total traffic volume of the site.
  • the crawl budget, a bar that reports the percentage of crawl budget committed by the selected range.

Clicking on the blue arrow at the end of a traffic range opens a tabular view of the Pages in the group, which lists precisely all the pages on the site that have an estimated traffic volume that falls within the selected range.

For each Web page there is information such as the URL, estimated monthly traffic, total number of keywords placed, and a final column with the hamburger menu with URL Actions for more targeted examinations.

In each Group you can use the Advanced Filter, search directly for a URL, and export the section data.

By clicking on a single URL from the list, you get a dedicated analysis full of useful information.

The first box informs you about the PZA, i.e., the Page’s authority metric; this is followed by the estimated traffic box, with an indication of potential (related to the improvement of keys beyond TOP10) and Page performance (performance represents how much you are getting compared to what you could get, in percentage). These boxes are flanked by the graph dedicated to the URL performance over time, from which you can also set a very useful feature (also present in other sections of the tool and signaled by a text message): by selecting a period on the graph, in fact, you can analyze in detail the keywords that have had variations in the set interval, to focus your investigations and verifications only on the moment that, for example, has seen a sudden drop in traffic and identify its possible causes. This analysis inside the analysis shows you the detail of the keywords that improved, worsened or kept their rankings stable in the time frame, with data on the average starting and final positions and the change in traffic found.

In the area below you can access the complete analysis on the keywords ranked, with a series of tabs that offer more useful information for your strategy, and in particular:

  • All keywords, a list of precisely all the keywords on the page under consideration.
  • TOP10, list of the keywords on the page that appear in the top 10 positions on Google.
  • Potential, list of keywords that are positioned near the first page of Google and that an optimization work could bring to TOP10, thus increasing the site traffic.
  • Distant, list of keywords positioned on the 4th and 5th Google page.

For all these tabs, SEOZoom offers a tabular view that reports detailed information about the keyword, such as ranking in SERP, changes from previous scan, estimated volume and traffic, average CPC, KO and KD, plus clickable actions from the hamburger menu to deepen the analysis on the individual keyword and individual URL.

SEO analysis, to perform a quick general analysis on the level of optimization of the selected keyword, also in relation to the competitors that are getting the best results.

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Pages with Potential

In the Pages with Potential section you can see which pages detected by SEOZoom have many keywords placed on the second and third page of Google

Filters and column sorting can be a good help to analyze the data, and you can also export the single view or the whole grid for each table; moreover, through the hamburger menu you can also directly add the URL in Monitored Pages or perform other URL actions.

For each selected web page SEOZoom indicates a range of information, such as PZA, traffic (potential, reachable by bringing all identified keywords to the first page, and current percentage of return compared to the total site), change in traffic from the previous month, and total identified keywords (in the Keyword box). Then, by clicking on Enable page potential, you will have the chance to enable the visual representation in the graph of the potential of the URL under analysis.

The table on the bottom right, on the other hand, contains data on SERP position, ranking trend compared to previous scan, volume, average CPC, keyword difficulty, keyword opportunity, traffic estimated to be coming from the various keywords, plus the hamburger menu to launch more detailed analysis.

Through the various tabs you can deepen the analysis and only view the keywords in TOP10, the Potential ones (i.e. positioned on the second and third page) and Distant ones, i.e. keywords positioned beyond the third page of Google.

SEOZoom also provides you with an additional cue by dedicating a tab to Similar Pages, i.e., pages positioned with keywords in common with the one being analyzed: in this way, you can detect cases of cannibalization and solve these problematic situations.

The last tab pertains the SEO Analysis, which you can also access directly from this section.

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Main Pages

The Main Pages group highlights the web pages of the site under analysis that currently have the highest traffic volume. For each URL, the estimated monthly volume and number of keywords placed is shown.

From this section you can check, as with Pages with Potential, the ranking data, the PZA, SEOZoom’s metric that indicates the authority of each web page, and also directly perform an SEO analysis.

From the “Traffic Trend” graph you can also see if the Page’s growth is stable or if there has been any particular sign of change from the previous 12 months, either positive or negative.

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Pages with the most keywords

The Pages with the most keywords section lists the web pages that have precisely the most keywords placed in the top five search engine pages as a whole, with the possibility of checking all the information in detail.

This information is useful, for example, to find out how many and which pages have many keywords positioned on the fourth and fifth pages, so as to study possible optimizations that could lead to improved performance and results.

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New Pages

The New Pages section highlights project site pages that have recently entered the SERPs. This section is extremely useful in a number of cases, because it allows you, for example, to check how quickly the content you publish manages to rank on Google or even to monitor the progress of a competitor (by creating a Project for their site).

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The Cannibalization section presents a tool that analyzes the pages of the project site to check for multiple URLs competing for the same keywords. This tool compares web pages with each other and indicates those that compete for the same keyword, thus risking hindering site performance.

The table with the list of problematic URLs contains the “Duplicates” column that indicates in percentage the possibility that in Google’s eyes this page is similar to another. Also, by clicking on the “Duplicates” button you can check which keywords are in common and which pages compete on the same data.

Be careful not to get confused: SEOZoom is not telling you that the text is duplicated or copied, but simply that, according to the scan performed, the indicated pages are ranking for the same keywords in a higher or lower percentage.

The URL-specific analysis table has data on SERP position, ranking trend since previous scan, volume, average CPC, keyword difficulty, keyword opportunity, the traffic that is estimated to be coming from the various keywords.

As with the other tabs in this section, you can focus the analysis on the keywords in TOP10, Potential (i.e., positioned on the second and third pages), and Distant, i.e., positioned beyond the third page, but also access the SEO Analysis directly.

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Monitored Pages

With Monitored Pages you have a tool that allows you to manually enter specific pages or paths of the project site to be kept under close control thanks to SEOZoom.

Through this section you can also ask SEOZoom to save a page in its current state and add notes to indicate the changes made: in this way, you can check the progress of the page over time and thus the effects of the changes, as well as download all the various HTML versions of the page itself.

You can add Pages to be monitored by manually entering a URL or even directly a path, to monitor specific areas of the site identified precisely by a specific path; in addition, you can also subdivide URLs into Groups, to have a dedicated view.

By clicking on the URL you can analyze in detail the performance of the page and view the most important data for your strategy.

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This feature allows you to monitor the performance of individual, specific parts of your site, defined by a unique “path” or “pathway,” so you can virtually create individual “micro-projects” related to these portions of your site.

To start the scan, you simply tell SEOZoom the URL of the path to be monitored and then display the data. The information is distributed in five TABs: Overview, Best Pages and Keywords, Pages with Potential, and Underperforming pages, which allow you to deepen your analysis by identifying which element to focus on.

For example, you could work on Pages with Potential (the URLs in the section that have keywords very close to the first page of Google) or Underperforming Pages (those that don’t rank with any keyword in TOP 10) to figure out what kind of SEO-side intervention could bring the greatest results.

From a practical point of view, you can use the Sections area to monitor the performance of specific categories of an eCommerce (but not only), or separately analyze the performance of an eCommerce and that of the blog in subfolder.

From a technical point of view, section metrics are calculated at the same time as the whole project metrics, so once a day; when you add a new section, you will have to wait for the whole project to be scanned to see the first results.

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URL Inspector

URL Inspector is one of SEOZoom’s most powerful tools, it shows things that no other tool shows, but it is extremely complex and is designed for experienced, PRO-level users because it requires advanced professional expertise, insight, and analysis skills that may be “out of reach” for novices.

For this reason, it is reserved for Professional, Business and Corporate plans only.

Present within the “Pages” menu in the Projects area, when you start it URL Inspector performs a long and elaborate scan of all the pages of your project site with the relevant keywords placed on Google, and thus needs some time to provide the results.

The first aspect it highlights is already significant, because it allows you to identify whether you have optimized title and URL compared to your main competitors. It also gives you a way to see immediately whether you have hit the main keywords, the ones with the highest estimated traffic, or whether the strategy so far adopted by you (or by those who have preceded you in the activity on a client’s site) is out of focus and therefore a turnaround is needed to try to gain higher positions.

In the overall dashboard you can immediately notice four boxes, which tell you about total number of pages analyzed, percentage of optimized URLs out of the total, and then pages with the most searched keyword already used in the URL (and therefore already optimized) and pages where the most searched keyword was not used in the URL. These last two fields are clickable and allow you to immediately filter the respective view, so that only the list of URLs on which to focus your attention is activated.

At the bottom, however, there are three boxes: the table on the left lists all the pages on your site that have been analyzed, with an indication of the number of keywords placed, the estimated total search volume they might reach, and a checkmark (or a red cross) indicating whether or not the keyword is present in the URL.

Clicking on a row activates a second table, which analyzes the URL in detail and offers further guidance for optimization. First, here you find the list of all keywords with their key information, for a first overview of the strategy so far. Then, by looking at the box on the right, you immediately find out whether the keyword you are examining is addressed on other pages of your project site (similar pages) and how many competitors among those in the top10 on Google have chosen to use this keyword in the title. Here SEOZoom’s algorithm also gives you more specific “suggestions” for action, indicating, for example, whether you should work on improving the page or whether it would be better to focus your efforts on creating new content instead.

In this regard, you can further filter the view to get “ideas for new content.”

In this field, SEOZoom shows a list of all the keywords you could use in a new in-depth content related to a topic. After analyzing the possible presence of pages with similar content, the algorithm advises you to consider creating a new, more specific page to compete for a keyword not fully “centered” with the previous content.

Also in this area you can check if there are precisely pages with similar content and also what is the level of optimization achieved by competitors, through reporting the number of pages of competitors who have used the keyword in the title, to have more or less potential chances to reach the top10 of Google with adequate content.

The level of competitiveness of the keyword optimization can also be seen in the table, specifically in the TM and PM columns: Title Match informs you of the number of pages in Google’s Top10 that adopted exact match in the title and thus used the keyword exactly in the title, while Partial Match lets you know how many pages, as a percentage, used the keyword partially or with variants.

Basically, then, URL Inspector supports professional work on sites, particularly client sites, because it is used to identify the type of strategy adopted at the level of keyword research and content creation, particularly with respect to optimization choices for the title and URL fields, so as to identify any errors or problems.

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The Competitor section is designed to allow you to analyze and compare your data with that of your direct online competitors (using the list of competitors you added in the project settings as a starting point).

From the General Summary dashboard you can see a series of charts that put the domains flagged as “competitors” in “competition”, thus helping you analyze the traffic volume of various projects.

You can take advantage of the various actions available from the hamburger menu for direct analysis of individual domains, namely: Analyze Domain or Root Domain where present, browse the Domain directly (SEOZoom will open the navigation in another tab), analyze the best keywords or directly compare the project site with its organic competitors.

Let’s start looking at the graphs in detail.

The first one shows the performance of your site and the one selected as a competitor, with the possibility to analyze the information by date and period.

Scrolling down the page you can view the bar graph showing the competition on keyword distribution, that is, the exact amount of keywords that are ranked on the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth page of Google.

Within the bubble graph, on the other hand, you can check the performance of websites competing on the same keywords; in particular, traffic and number of keywords are analyzed.

From the Competitors Detail tab, you can instead deepen the analysis by comparing different views to check the difference in ranking and performance. By selecting a Competitor from the table on the left, you activate a series of information that is useful for you to make verifications and study the best strategies.

The different views available allow you to delve into a number of aspects related to the keywords of the Competitors versus those of the project site, and in particular:

  • Content GAP: lists the Competitor’s Top keywords for which the Project site lacks content in SERP
  • Keywords in common: reports the keywords for which both domains are ranking
  • Keyword on which you are losing: indicates the keywords on which the Competitor is ranking better than the Project site
  • Keyword on which you are winning: groups the keywords on which the Project site is ranking better than the Competitor
  • Competition in TOP10: shows the keywords in TOP10 for which the two domains are in direct competition.

From all these tabs, you can also launch more in-depth analyses on the individual keyword or related URL positioned by simply selecting one of the actions in the hamburger menu.

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By connecting the account to Analytics, SEOZoom provides a simplified view of several dashboards of the Google’s platform, which can be useful for you so to have at a glance a range of strategic information to monitor and improve your site’s performance.

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With this feature you can simply write notes that will help you keep track of information, updates or other notes that you may need during optimization work.

You can add a note from this specific section or from some of the charts and sections within Project (e.g., the Project/Domain Overview chart and the Pages section).

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Your groups

Here you can create and manage groups of projects to get an overview of their performance. This is very useful if you want to have an overview of the performance of all projects of a specific client or a network of thematic sites.

If you click on the number on the right in white you can check the total number of groups you have created, while the + sign allows you to quickly create a new group.

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