
The competition section of SEOZoom is designed to help you quickly run a comparison between two or more websites for an analysis of direct competitors in the same market niche as you, and to get information on traffic volume and keyword rankings.

Within this area, found in the side menu, you can use the Domain Vs Domain, URL vs URL and Competitors on keywords list tools. Let’s now go through the various sections in detail.

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Domain vs Domain

Domain vs. Domain is a tool that allows you to compare your site with up to 5 competitors to unearth their strengths and identify subject areas where you may be most lacking.

Specifically, by launching the analysis you can view the traffic data of the domains, find out their estimated monthly traffic volume, and check the keyword distribution for each page.

To get started, you just need to type the URL of the main domain to compare with competitors in the text box that appears on the page, point to a competitor domain and click on Analyze to launch the SEOZoom scan.

In the dashboard that appears you will find a lot of useful information for your strategy, as well as the possibility to manage the sites to be compared: in fact, from here, you can add the other competitors, up to a maximum of 5, or possibly remove a site that you no longer want to compare with the others.

But let’s delve into the meaning of the offered data.

In the General Summary tab you will find the first useful data on the domains entered in the competition, and in particular you can also visually check the trend of their performance on Google in the graph on the right, which shows the fluctuations in traffic over the period analyzed.

At the bottom we find the graph with the distribution of keywords for the different sites being analyzed, which shows the total number of keywords placed broken down for each Google page. The next graph, Main competitors estimate, relates the traffic volume and the total number of keywords of the various domains under analysis, represented with a diameter that is proportional to the value.

To deepen the analysis you can go to the Competitors Detail tab, where SEOZoom shows a real in-depth look at the keywords ranking for all the domains under analysis, as is done in the similar tool found in the Competitors section of the Projects.

The different visualizations available allow you to delve into a number of aspects related to competitor keywords versus those of the site you have set as your main one, so that you can devise more informed strategies-for example, when creating an editorial plan, it is useful to know which competitor URLs cover topics that are missing from our site.

Specifically, you will find five tabs:

  • Content GAP: lists the Competitor’s Top keywords for which the Project site lacks content in SERP
  • Keywords in common: reports the keywords for which both domains are ranking
  • Keyword on which you are losing: indicates the keywords on which the Competitor is ranking better than the Project site
  • Keyword on which you are winning: groups the keywords on which the Project site is ranking better than the Competitor
  • Competition in TOP10: shows the keywords in TOP10 for which the two domains are in direct competition.

You can also use the search filter to check keywords directly, further analyze using the Keyword Actions included in the hamburger menu, and export the table data you are viewing, in xlsx or csv format.

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In the URL vs URL section you have a perfect tool for drawing information from the URLs of one or more competitors, with which to figure out how to improve your own web page.

The analysis can start in two distinct ways: by manually entering at least two distinct URLs that you want to delve into, or by clicking on “Suggest URL” which, based on a keyword, shows you a list of URLs placed in SERP to choose from.

You can analyze up to 50 URLs from different domains at once.

The dashboard in front of you is now called Competition and is divided into three areas.

In the first tab, Competing Pages, you immediately have direct comparison of the metrics of the analyzed URLs and specifically their estimated monthly traffic values, page zoom authority, zoom authority of the entire domain, the number of total kws for which each individual web page is ranked, and the amount of kws in the top ten. In addition to this, there is the total CPC value, which is basically a potential estimate of the sum of all keyword CPCs to give you an idea of the value this page might have, even considering the CPCs of the various keywords.

On the right, however, you find the Page Performance section, which provides you with an analysis overview for each URL analyzed, with summaries of the main information useful for understanding the page’s performance. In particular, you will find here the indication of the PZA, the detail on traffic (current, potential and performance percentage), the variation from previous month and the focus on keywords (with specification of those positioned in TOP10, the potential and the distant ones, with percentage data compared to the total). In addition, from the graph you can view the traffic fluctuations of the URL and activate “enable pages potential“, the visualization that lets you see at a glance what the potential traffic might be if all the keywords for which the page is positioned were present within the first page of Google.

The next table deepens the analysis on the keywords present on the selected page, broken down into a series of tabs according to their ranking. You then find all the keywords present on the selected page, and then those in TOP10, Potential (thus present on the second and third Google page), Distant (positioned on the fourth and fifth Google page), and Similar Pages (any URLs from the same domain positioned for keywords in common). All of these tables contain SEO information about individual keywords, such as position on Google, variation from previous scan, search volume, estimated traffic value that the keyword brings to the website, the average CPC, KW Difficulty and KW Opportunity; you can also filter to refine your investigations, or search for specific keywords; moreover, with the Keyword Actions that can be activated from the hamburger menu you can study even more in-depth the keyword that interested you.

Finally, the table is completed with real-time SEO analysis, the heart of SEOZoom, which allows you to check how the main kw was inserted and treated in content creation. Here you can see all the details about optimization, topics that were or were not used, keyword optimization and so on, with lots of information that can be useful to you, especially if you are spying on a competitor’s page.

The other section of URL vs. URL is called “Competing Keywords” and presents you with a comparison of domains based precisely on the list of keywords that are in direct competition. By clicking on each keyword, you can find out the performance of the web pages you are analyzing, with an indication of the change in traffic from the previous crawl and an estimate of the traffic this kw is helping to bring to the page. To help you with the analysis, then, you can use the filter that selects keywords based on their current ranking or change the display setting (expand/reduce all, for an even faster overview).

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Competitors on Keyword List

The last tool in the competition area is “Competitors on keyword list“, a tool that allows you to launch a comparison of up to five competitors from a list of keywords that you manually enter, which is useful for studying competitors from an angle, that is, based on a group of keywords you are working on.

After launching the analysis, the dashboard will recap some useful data for you, such as the number of domains under analysis, competing keywords, and “best domain” (the one that has the highest number of keywords placed in TOP10 on Google among those entered).

In the table below you immediately see the “Competitors on keyword list“, the list of domains that have been extrapolated by the suite as most relevant based on the list of keywords you entered: for each website you can read the Zoom Authority, Zoom Trust, Zoom Stability, Zoom Opportunity data, and then again the trend (i.e., the traffic trend compared to previous scan), Authority history, estimated monthly traffic, the amount of total keywords placed, and IP address. To take the analysis to an even deeper level, you can click on the hamburger menu and run one of the Domain Actions you have available here.

By switching tabs and going to Analyzed Keywords you can actually find out what the level of competition is between domains on the individual keywords you are interested in, with an indication of the URLs those sites are ranking with. For each URL you can see the SERP position, variation, and estimated traffic, but also continue the analysis with the URL Shares of the hamburger menu.

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