Analyze Keyword

To launch a keyword analysis you simply have to type the keyword you are interested in in the top bar and click on “Analyze” or press enter from your keyboard.

At the top of the screen you will immediately be able to read some useful data, summarizing the main strategic information related to the keyword, namely its monthly search volume, estimated Keyword Difficulty and Keyword Opportunity, total number of indexed pages, cost per click and seasonality.

Specifically, the first box reports the figure for average monthly search volume, showing in parentheses the range of variation related to seasonality (minimum and maximum value that the volume can reach based precisely on the different times of the year).

This is followed by two boxes related to SEOZoom’s two keyword metrics, Keyword Difficulty and Keyword Opportunity, both of which are characterized by a color scale that makes it easier and faster to understand the data.

Keyword Difficulty represents an estimate of the difficulty of ranking in SERPs for the keyword under consideration compared to the level of competition among the domains in TOP10. It ranges from 0 to 100, with the highest value signaling the greatest difficulty of ranking for that keyword; the metric analyzes the sites ranked in SERP for that keyword and their ZA: the more competitive the sites, the greater the difficulty of ranking.

Keyword Opportunity, on the other hand, helps you assess how many opportunities you have to rank in TOP10 on Google for the keyword analyzed: it takes into account two factors, namely the Trust of competitors and the level of optimization of pages that are in TOP10 for that specific keyword. This metric also ranges from 0 to 100, and a high value means there are more opportunities to attack the SERP and rank highly.

The next box shows the number of Indexed Pages for the keyword entered and the quantitative change since last scan: clicking on Trend opens a pop-up graph that allows you to follow the evolution of indexed pages over time. To the right is then a box indicating the average CPC, from which you can also access the trend graph with the number of ads on the first page (a value provided by Google Ads and ranging between 0 and 1, which indicates the level of competition present among Google Ads).

This dashboard concludes with the Seasonality box, which reports the historical monthly change in the search volume of the keyword analyzed and also reports, with different color graphs, the previous year’s trend and the value estimated by Zoom Trends, which you need in order to know what the current search trend really is. By clicking on Show Trend you can deepen the trend analysis, activating a pop-up graph that shows you the detail of the search volume in the average year, again with the graphical representation of the estimated volumes in real time.

Immediately below you will also find quick information about the keyword’s main search intent type (Informational, Navigational, Commercial, Transactional) and the box dedicated to Content Focus analysis. This metric shows the percentage distribution of search intent of users interested in that particular content and is derived from the analysis of the pages of competitors positioned in the top10 on Google and the intent of all keywords satisfied by their pages. Please note: the sum of the percentages may not be 100%, but this is normal since the same keyword can also have multiple search intent.

The box showing any SERP Features on the search results page follows.

In the central part of the page you can notice four different tabs: SERP Info, Competitor Info, Search Intent, and Correlated Keywords, which activate the display of specific insights. Further to the right you will find buttons that allow you to add the keyword under consideration to your Keyword Research or Keyword list (depending on the insertion mode you have set).

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By clicking on SERP info you can immediately see the SERP Trend, which is a list of the first 50 results placed in the SERP related to the keyword under consideration, with an indication of the placed URL, ZA value of the domain, PZA of the URL, change in ranking compared to the previous scan, and the ability to perform URL Actions and Domain Actions through the hamburger menu. By clicking on the various placed sites you can activate the visualization in the graph Websites Trend in SERP, which shows you precisely the ranking trend of the different pages with respect to the entered keyword.

The second function allows you to analyze Traffic Share, which is the percentage distribution of the total traffic generated by the entire cluster of keywords that refer to the search intent, thus extending the analysis not only to the main or inserted keyword, but to the entire related set. In this way, you can quickly visualize which domains have the best page for the searched keyword, those that have produced the most compelling content for Google.

Closely follows the SERP History tab for the keyword under analysis, setting the date to compare SERPs over time and the possibility to launch a domain or URL analysis. In addition, SEOZoom also reports to you the level of SERP variability compared to previous scan, showing you the percentage value of SERP variation, of only the TOP10 results and positioned Domains.

With SERP Analysis, on the other hand, you can get even more timely and in-depth information about the composition of Google’s search results page for the keyword under consideration. SEOZoom describes to you the structure of the SERP, pointing out the presence of any Google boxes and features and the precise position they occupy on the page (showing the number of pixels from the top), and proposing the same information for all the elements that make up the page, thus including the organic results; in addition, you can also find out which results are above the fold and which are only visible after a scroll, so you can begin to actually assess the organic competitiveness of the SERP and make informed assessments regarding strategic opportunities to work on the keyword for your site.

On the right side of the screen you can display other information you might need for your strategies, such as the relationship between Google elements (Google Panels) and organic results on the page, the possible presence of a direct response from Google and list of all SERP features triggered by the keyword, such as an Image Carousel, Frequently Asked Questions Box (also showing the questions present, which can also be used for targeted content creation, for instance), results from Google News, Local Search map, videos from YouTube and so on, up until the box with related searches that Google suggests to its users, still in relation to the analyzed keyword.

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Competitor Info

With the Competitor Info section SEOZoom provides you with a real time analysis of the URLs positioned in TOP10 for the keyword under analysis, with the possibility to indicate a URL of your choice to compare it with those present.

In the central table you can read all the useful information for the positioned web pages, and in particular the ZA, the Page Zoom Authority, the estimated monthly traffic volume, the number of kws in the top ten and on the second page, as well as the total number of keywords ranked. This is followed by some indications related to the level of optimization of the page and its content, which allow us to find out at a glance whether the keyword under consideration was used in the Title, URL, H1, H2 and H3, and then the data of total number of words present in the main content and intent match percentage, as well as the hamburger menu to launch URL Actions.

When you click on the arrow at the beginning of the individual row, you activate the SEO analysis for that page, which presents you with in-depth data on the level of optimization of its content. Specifically, you can view a box focused on Search Intent, which analyzes the text of the content to determine the value of Intent Match, Topic used, and Relevant Keyword; the lower box, on the other hand, shows what title and meta description you have set, and even further below you find the page’s optimization level estimated by SEOZoom for the various parameters.

On the right, instead, you have access to three different tabs: the first gives you an overview of SEO Optimizations, pointing out which best practices have been met and which are the issues in the examined URL with respect to content management. This information is especially useful when comparing your URL with competitor pages, because it allows you to understand if and how much the competitors positioned in TOP10 have optimized pages, and to consequently set a more targeted strategy to climb the SERP.

The Use of Keyword inside Tags tab allows you to analyze in detail how much and where the keyword under consideration is used in the content tags, and thus in title, H1 header, anchors for any links, and image alt text.

Lastly, you can also find out if keywords that refer to the same search intent and have search volume are used in the text.

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Search Intent

The Search Intent section represents the heart of keyword analysis, because it goes beyond the classic values and metrics of the single keyword to delve precisely into the search intent, the search intention of users identified by Google, an increasingly central aspect in the most modern SEO and keyword research activities.

SEOZoom’s innovative algorithm is able to first identify whether the keyword being analyzed is the main keyword of the focus or not (and gives you the ability to immediately set up an article with the keyword under consideration).

In the case of the keyword “seo”, for example, the algorithm indicates that it is a Main Key. Conversely, if you analyze a keyword such as “Classic Apple Pie“, the algorithm indicates that it is not a Main Key, thus suggesting that you focus your content on the Main Keyword, which we can discover by clicking on “Move to Main” (in this case, it is “Apple Pie”).

On a general level, it would be preferable to set an article on the Main Keywords to increase the chances of ranking on Google, but this does not mean that it is not possible to continue working on optimizing content for a secondary keyword or a very specific long tail keyword, depending on the cases and contexts.

In the next four boxes we find very important information that will then be discussed in more detail further down the page, and that analyze the keyword not as a single entity, but as an element of a cluster of keywords afferent to the same intent.

  • Total Main Intent Volume

The total search volume for which you can potentially compete with a single article, calculated on all keywords included in the main search intent.

  • Keywords with the same Intent

The total number of keywords with the same search intent as the main keyword.

  • Main Topics

The number of relevant topics identified by analyzing the content of sites in TOP10: they represent some important focuses to be considered in the article.

  • Secondary Topics

These are all the keywords and topics related to the intent, but which you should take into account to write related in-depth articles, since search engines are preferring topic-specific pages and a general article focused on the Main Key.

You can elaborate on these three aspects – Keyword with same Intent, Main Topics, Secondary Topics – in the appropriate tables, which provide you with a series of valuable information for your content strategy.

The first table lists keywords with the same search intent, those you can potentially place with a single article focused on the Main Keyword, indicating for each its search volume, average CPC, seasonality, and two innovative metrics: SERP affinity and In Content. The SA tells you how similar the SERP of the term you are analyzing is to that of the Main Keyword, expressing a percentage value from 0 to 100: in practice, it tells you how many results in common there are between the two SERPs. The “In content” value refers to the percentage of competitors positioned in TOP10 who used the row keyword within their content. With the filters and additional features you can also set custom views, for example, “discarding” keywords not used by competitors (those with IC equal to 0) or sorting the keys by the SA column. Moreover, on the right side you will find the Frequently Asked Questions from users about the topic, which can become suggestions that you can leverage for content creation.

You can then move on to the analysis of the main topics, listed by concept and relevant term in the table on the left, where you can also check the number of correlated keywords, potential traffic volume, and SA and IC values. For each topic you can delve deeper into what relevant keywords are identified by SZ, which in the right table informs you about the corresponding values of search volume, average CPC, seasonality, SA and IC, so as to give you all the insights to create strategic content and organize the keywords.

The last table is dedicated to secondary topics, with a list of keywords with which you could deepen the main topic with related articles that offer a different focus on it, to be taken into account when creating an internal link structure. In this case, the table shows all identified secondary keywords, with an indication of the corresponding average search volume, number of keywords that pertain to this intent, and consequent potential volume that you can reach with a tailored article.

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Correlated Keywords

The keyword analysis is completed with a fourth tab, Correlated Keywords, which sends you directly to the Keyword Infinity tool, already set up on the analysis of the keyword you are interested in and with the possibility, therefore, to deepen this term with all the features you have available in this section .

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