A.I. Tools

In this section you will find 26 specific tools to lead you in the creation and management of all kinds of content to be published online, for any type of site, solving small daily problems and snags of the writing activity thanks to Artificial Intelligence.

Each of these tools performs a small task that is useful for copywriting: from simple spell-checking to generating concept maps and semantic maps, from cues on topics you are not thoroughly familiar with to identifying topics and keywords relevant to the chosen topic, to creating category texts, product sheets, product descriptions and whole sentences.

All powered by Artificial Intelligence, which allows you to speed up the information-gathering phase and devote yourself to writing without delay or hindrance. That is, you can delegate to the AI most of the routine tasks of the ideation and text-writing activity, getting with a few clicks and a few cents ideas, insights and guidance on the topics you are working on, even if you do not fully master the topic or have doubts and difficulties on how to set the content.

All tools are powered by Artificial Intelligence currently based on GPT-4, driven by prompts tailored to the needs of content creators. The disclaimer already launched for the automatic text generation feature applies: the information in the outputs is generated directly by the AI and, in some cases, may not be precise, accurate, or up-to-date (also due to “latency” of the AI system), and therefore always needs a human-side revisionary check, to avoid affecting the quality of the content you then intend to use on the site.

These tools also have an extra usage-based cost compared to the subscription to the suite: specifically, we are talking about a negligible price, in the order of a few cents (0.00082 cents per word generated in output), with the possibility of recharging your credit quickly and easily.

In addition to the classic suite, you will also find AI Tools at the copywriters’ version of the Editorial Plan: you can access the dashboard here https://sz2020.seozoom.it/copywriter/.

The 25 tools can serve any type of site and content and are divided into five macro-categories:

  1. Tools for Copywriters
  2. Language Support
  3. SEO Tools
  4. eCommerce Tools
  5. Tourism & Local

Also, if you can think of a different feature that would be useful to your specific needs, you can ask us to check the possibility of adding it to the tools (if it is compatible with the technology, of course!).

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